Brands have the incredible power to reveal common connections, melt our differences, and unite. In a divided culture, it’s easy to forget what binds us. Despite technological connectivity, isolation reigns. And, as our social bubbles shrink with fragmentation of media and experience, the need for belonging has never been greater.
The greatest thing a brand can do is bring us together: I belong, we belong. You make me better, and together we are stronger. Brands then become badges of affinity, symbols of shared values, aesthetics and purpose. We can think of brands as
code for self-expression through membership. Satellite connects the fundamental cultural threads between people and brands that drive extraordinarily successful businesses and unwavering loyalty.
Uniting Believers & Brands.

A great brand starts with a powerful shared story. This comes from a curious look at business drivers —the marketplace, competitive & consumer trends, and company strengths— all artfully synthesized into a beautiful truth that stands firm in the brand’s purpose, originality, and creative exuberance.

A potent brand plants a flag that says:
this is my territory, I will defend it, step off.
Our clients are innovative leaders who share a common motive: “Let’s show the world how much better it is with our hotel, product, or technology in it!” Satellite envisions that brand new world, identifying customer belief systems, orchestrating brand moments, and designing each detail of the brand journey.
The art of visualizing new brand worlds.
What if we removed all personality from the style of the font depicting a word? Would the word’s meaning become more pure, more precisely the idea of the word itself, unadulterated by the “style” of its own expression?
If that is true, then so is the opposite: that the visual impact of a word must be invigorated by a perfect fit of meaning and expression. A sort of a mimetic topography that amplifies import through visual resonance.
To that end, we are all in.
Fusing the shape & silhouette of a logo type with the meaning behind it adds a meta-satisfaction and helps carve the brand into cultural relevance.
Bespoke typography symbolizes the fusion of brand meaning, expression and membership.

The greatest thing a brand can do
is bring us together.

We build Shared Brand Worlds. Brand environments so relentlessly thorough, that no detail, no interaction is left unconsidered. Our design systems enrapture customers at every moment of their brand journey. Our fluid brands slowly reveal themselves with each layer of guest discovery opening greater depths of meaning, emotion and connection. Think matryoshka dolls—whose mysterious shells continually delight as we journey to the heart of identity. From ads and websites, to packaging and products, from brand installations to retail experiences, what’s our superpower?

Fluid graphic & typographic brand systems that consistently reinforce the bond between believers and brands.